Friday, August 11, 2017

Blended and Fully Online Teaching: EDUC 760

(Blended Teaching and Online Training)

EDUC 760 E-learning for Educators   Instructor: Maggie Rouman (Blended Teaching and Online Training) Online Course 3 semester hours graduate credit

Learn to:

  • Add online power to traditional instruction/training.
  • Convert a course or workshop for online delivery. 
  • Create and facilitate discussion forums.
  • Design online surveys and quizzes.
  • Build a career advancing e-portfolio. 

You will:

  • Analyze research on using learning management systems for online and blended settings.
  • Create prompts and facilitate discussion forums.
  • Create technology-based assessment.
  • Critically analyze universal design and accessibility research.
  • Create closed caption video.
  • Research, evaluate and curate digital information.
  • Design and publish an electronic portfolio of course artifacts.
Check out our Syllabus

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Strategies for Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom

Strategies for Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom

EDUC 647 Strategies for Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom

Online Course 3 semester hours graduate credit
Instructor: Faith Huitt
Not offered Spring or Summer 2017
Fall: September 25 - November 17, 2017

You Will Learn

  • Strategies to assist students with language deficits, sensory needs, repetitive behaviors, and a low frustration for change
  • Assistive technology devices, Chromebook,  iPad and smartphone apps that increase communication skills in the classroom for students with autism

Who Should Enroll

  • PK-12 educators
  • Speech pathologists
  • Guidance counselors
  • School nurses
  • Support staff
  • School administrators
  • Public health providers
  • Early intervention personnel
  • Pupil service personnel seeking professional development

Course Description

Strategies to address the varied social and academic needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in the inclusive classroom. Explore functional behavior assessment, learn how to implement a behavior intervention plan, and how to use technology effectively with students with ASD.
Enroll in this course to meet your goals for
  • professional development
  • license renewal
  • complete graduate elective credits
  • transfer credits to another university 


Purchase the paperback textbook new or used from NOTE: Be sure to purchase the second edition with the ISBN number.
Kluth, Paula. (2010). “You’re Going to Love This Kid”: Teaching Students with Autism in the Inclusive Classroom. 2nd Edition. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company. ISBN: 978-1598570793

Learning Outcomes

  1. Articulate an understanding of the historical perspectives, etiology, and main characteristics of young, middle age children, and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  2. Research and discuss the impact of Autism Spectrum Disorders on the student’s language, communication, academic, social, sensory, and behavioral functioning in the classroom.
  3. Demonstrate an awareness of the impact of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder on family dynamics and school-family communication.
  4. Research and analyze the pros and cons of various behavioral and instructional approaches and apply best practice strategies in an inclusive classroom for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  5. Utilize a wide range of online resources, strategies, and educational interventions; demonstrate the ability to differentiate and adapt various strategies effectively for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in an inclusive classroom.
  6. Plan for the role and management of paraprofessionals and differentiate between the appropriate and inappropriate use of paraprofessionals in fostering independence for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
  7. Collaborate with professional specialists to modify classroom activities and assignments and design a co-teaching lesson based on models of effective collaboration skills between general education and special education teachers.

Content Outline

  1. Introduction - What is Autism
  2. Language Skills and Communication Interventions
  3. Social Skills of Students with ASD and Interventions in the Inclusive Classroom
  4. Sensory Needs and Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  5. Positive Behavior Support for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Inclusive Classroom
  6. Programming in the General Education Classroom for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Least Restrictive Environment Issues
  7. Working with Parents of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
  8. Applying New Knowledge and Strategies

Alignment with Teaching Standards

Course objectives are aligned with the following teaching standards:
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure (WI DPI) 3, 8
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) 3, 4
Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Knowledge and Skill Standards Common Core, # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
No travel to campus required. 
Participate from your home or work computer during hours that are flexible and convenient for your work and family schedule and responsibilities.
The class is highly interactive with a significant discussion component. 
All discussion postings, projects, and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and Dropbox. 
Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific due dates each week; there are no required "live" chat sessions.
This is not a self-paced class.

For More Information

Request Information Online 
Contact Us: School of Education
Online Professional Development
University of Wisconsin - Stout
Menomonie, WI 54751
Phone: 715-232-2693
Browse Courses

RDGED 707 Practicum in Reading Difficulties

Practicum in Reading Difficulties

RDGED 707 Practicum in Reading Difficulties

Online Course 3 semester hours graduate credit
Instructors: Beth Lambie, Heidi Neumann-Kneeland, Paula Harms, Heather Weiland, Jaimie Howe, Kristen Conrad
September 11 - December 8, 2017

Who Can Enroll

Students who meet the prerequisites: successful completion with a GPA of 3.0 or higher in each of the five prerequisite courses: RDGED 701, 702, 703 or 704, 705, 706 and consent of instructor.
RDGED 706 Assessment and Evaluation of Reading Difficulties must be completed prior to enrollment in RDGED 707 Reading Practicum because the assessments and evaluation reports required for RDGED 707 are introduced and practiced in the prerequisite course.

What You Will Learn

Course Description: A practicum in teaching individual students, who have completed grades 2-10, with reading difficulties. Assessment of the reader's strengths and needs is followed by the implementation of individualized instruction designed to assist the child in becoming a better reader. The practicum course will be offered online with a requirement that course participants assess then develop and instruct twelve one-hour lessons with a struggling reader in their local community.
The RDGED 707 Reading Practicum is offered during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Consider the advantage of enrolling in the practicum during the summer semester when you will not have the pressure of preparing for your daily teaching assignments in addition to the practicum lessons.
You will assess and teach a student in your community who has been identified by your school as a struggling reader and has completed the second grade or above. According to classroom reading assessments and/or standardized test results, a severe reading delay would be one or more years behind for a third grader; two or more years behind for a fourth, fifth or sixth grader; and three or more years behind for a seventh grader or older.
According to the Wisconsin State Statute ACT 166: 
SECTION 21. 118.19 (14) (a) any person applying for a teacher license “…to teach in grades kindergarten to 5 or in special education, an initial license as a reading teacher or an initial license as a reading specialist” are required to take and pass a Foundations of Reading Test. The Practice Test website provides opportunities for students to become familiar with the item types that will appear on the assessment. 
This test requirement applies to all students who enroll in the Spring 2014 RDGED 707 Practicum.

Course Requirements

During the first two weeks of the course, you will explore the principles of effective one-on-one intervention programs, as well as criteria for choosing a client. A struggling reader should NOT be selected or contacted until the end of the second week of the course. Information will be provided regarding the details of the client selection process and demographic requirements.
During Modules 3-5, you will assess the student, interpret the assessment results, and determine learning outcomes..
During modules 6-11, you will develop and teach twelve one-hour lessons and analyze each lesson’s results using a detailed lesson plan form. During the 12 lessons, you will administer 5 running records using familiar text.  In addition, you will do a miscue analysis of errors for 2 of the 5 running records.  All of these forms will be submitted as part of the course requirements.
At the conclusion of twelve lessons, a summary of assessment and instruction will be compiled and submitted as a capstone artifact in your Reading Teacher ePortfolio. All artifacts from your previous reading courses will be updated prior to submitting your final ePortfolio for the Benchmark III end of reading program assessment. 

Software and Microphone Required

All lesson plans must be created in Microsoft Word. All materials used during the lessons must be scanned to create PDF files and submitted with the lesson plan Word documents in the course Dropbox.

Audio recordings of selected lessons that include running records will be submitted electronically to the course Dropbox in mp3 file format along with a self-evaluation form as part of course requirements. A good microphone, more than any other single piece of hardware, will impact the quality of recorded sound.


  1. Blevins, W. (2006). Phonics from A-Z (2nd ed.) New York, NY: Scholastic. ISBN:978-0-439-84511-3
    (Also used in RDGED 701 Developmental Reading, RDGED 705 Instructional Techniques for Assisting Students with Reading Difficulties, and RDGED 706 Assessment & Evaluation)
  2. Leslie, L. & Caldwell, J. S. (2017). Qualitative reading inventory - 6th edition. New York, NY: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. ISBN 978-0134539409
    Also available as an e-text. ISBN-13 978-0-13-702857-3
    Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to the Enhanced Pearson eText. To order the Enhanced Pearson eText packaged with a bound book, order ISBN 0134539400. The Enhanced Pearson eText features and QRI electronic resources include embedded video and audio clips, forms, and figures. Also used in RDGED 706 Assessment and Evaluation).
  3. Caldwell, J.S., & Leslie, L. (2013). Intervention strategies to follow informal reading inventory assessment: So what do I do now? 3rd edition. New York,NY: Pearson Allyn & Bacon. ISBN 13: 9780123907088 Available from Pearson or new and used from (This book is also used in RDGED 705 Instructional Techniques for Assisting Students with Reading Difficulties and RDGED 707 Practicum in Reading Difficulties.)
  4. Fox, Barbara. (2012). Word identification strategies: building phonics into a classroom reading program, 5th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780132611282. 
    (Also used in RDGED 705 Instructional Techniques)
  5. National Institute for Literacy (NIFL) booklet: Put reading first: The research building blocks for teaching children to read.
    (Also used in RDGED 701 Developmental Reading and RDGED 705 Assessment and Evaluation). Free download 56 pg. booklet color PDF (1.25 MB)
  6. Shea, M. (2006). Where's the glitch? How to use running records with older readers, Grades 5-8. Book and CD. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann ISBN 13:978-0-325-00849-3.
    (Also used in RDGED 706 Assessment & Evaluation.) 
An e-textbook is included in the tuition and will be provided after you login to the course. You will access the e-textbook to read online from your tablet, laptop or desktop. The e-textbook software is compatible with an iPad, Kindle Fire or fully internet capable device. It is not compatible with a Kindle Reader.
McCormick, S. & Zutell, J. (2015). Instructing students who have literacy problems. ( 7th edition) Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Allyn & Bacon. ISBN 13:9780133830934
If you prefer to read a hard copy of the textbook, instead of reading via your computer or tablet, you may purchase the book from or an online bookstore such as  Be sure to allow for delivery time, and note the ISBN number and 7th edition.
Additional readings will be available online within the text of each module.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Interpret background and assessment information of an individual with reading disabilities to determine measurable learning outcomes that define what the child is able to do as a result of instruction. 
  2. Evaluate and select appropriate instructional interventions for the literacy remediation based upon the assessed needs of the child.
  3. Analyze variables in performance using ongoing assessments to modify instruction and meet the needs of the child. 
  4. Formulate a clear, concise and accurate report of assessment results delineating proficiencies and difficulties, reading, writing, and spelling developmental levels, measurable results of instruction in attaining learning outcomes and recommendations of research-based instructional strategies for use at school and in the home to strengthen the child's literacy. 

Alignment with State and National Reading Standards

This class will help participants meet the International Literacy Association's Standards for Reading Professionals and the Content Guidelines for Reading Teachers State of Wisconsin - DPI (p. 180)

Sign Up Soon!

Register online
The School of Education reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements.

For More Information

Request Information Online
Contact Us: School of Education
Online Professional Development
University of Wisconsin - Stout
Menomonie, WI 54751
Phone: 715-232-2693
Browse Courses

Mathematics Specialist Field Experience

Mathematics Specialist Field Experience

EDUC 663 Mathematics Specialist Field Experience

Online Course 2 semester hours graduate credit
Will be offered Fall 2017
Instructor: Tony Pickar

Who Should Enroll

Prerequisite: EDUC 662 Leadership for Math Specialists
This course is the culminating capstone course for the Math Specialist Certificate. Designed for elementary and middle school educators with a professional development goal of becoming a math specialist at the classroom, school, or district level.
This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program.

Textbooks to Purchase

Purchase the following paperbacks from an online book store such as or the publisher.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. (2014). Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. ISBN: 978-0873537742
McREL (Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning). (2010). What We Know About Mathematics Teaching and Learning. (3rd Edition). Solution Tree. ISBN-13: 978-1935249955

What You Will Learn

Course Description
Prepares math specialists for program implementation and evaluation in a school-based setting. Emphasis on developing coaching practices, planning professional development programs, and facilitating evidence-based math programs. This experience is designed to align with the coursework and build on knowledge, skills, and dispositions developed in the Math Specialist certificate coursework.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Explain and reflect on the multifaceted role of the mathematics specialist in a school or district.
  3. Communicate the major theories of math instruction and the research on effective math programs to teachers and other school personnel. 
  4. Explain district and state assessment frameworks, proficiency standards, and student benchmarks to teachers and other school personnel.
  5. Collaborate with teachers and other school personnel in developing a math curriculum with vertical and horizontal alignment across PK-12.
  6. Evaluate a math curriculum or instructional program to determine its effect on all learners, including learners who struggle and/or are learning the English language. 
  7. Coach teachers and other school personnel in selecting, utilizing and interpreting assessments that provide a systematic framework for evaluating the effects of math instruction.
  8. Coach teachers in selecting materials, adapting curriculum and differentiating instruction to meet the learning needs of all students.
  9. Coach teachers and other school personnel in using assessment results, differentiation, interventions, and flexible grouping techniques to facilitate math development. 
  10. Conduct needs assessment, plan, and develop professional development which addresses the math education needs of a district, school, or community. 
  11. Coach colleagues to ensure effective on-going math instruction that is meaningful and culturally relevant for all students.
  12. Collaborate with others to build relationships and strong home-to-school and school-to-home connections to facilitate math development.
  13. Model effective and ethical interpersonal, communication, social influence, and leadership skills to facilitate a positive culture and effective practices for math development.
  14. Collaborate with others to determine budgetary needs and identify grants and other sources to support math instruction efforts. 

Alignment with Teaching Standards

Course objectives are aligned with the following:

Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure (WI DPI): 3, 4, 7, 9 
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards: 3 and 4
Common Core State Standards for Math
Professional Standards National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 3a, 4b, 4c, 4d, 4e, 6d
International Society for Technology in Education, National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers, (NETS-T) 2 
Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
No travel to campus required. Because this class is online and open to you 24/7, you may participate from your home or work computer during hours that are flexible and convenient for your work and family schedule and responsibilities.
The class is highly interactive with a significant discussion component. All discussion postings, projects, and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and Dropbox. Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific due dates each week; there are no required "live" chat sessions.


Register online
The School of Education reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements.

For More Information

Request Information Online 
Contact Us: School of Education 
Online Professional Development
University of Wisconsin - Stout Menomonie, WI 54751 
Phone: 715-232-2693
Browse Courses

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Mindful Approaches to Classroom Management

Mindful Approaches to Classroom Management

EDUC 665 Mindful Approaches to Classroom Management

Online Course 3 semester hours graduate credit
Instructor: Dr. Ann Brand

Fall: October 16 - December 15, 2017
Not offered Summer term

Tuition, Due Dates, and Registration

What You Will Learn

Strategies to minimize and prevent classroom and behavior management problems.

Who Should Enroll

  • Elementary, middle school, and high school educators
  • Guidance counselors
  • Special education teachers
  • School library media specialists
  • Principals
  • School social workers
  • Those working with incarcerated youth outside of traditional K-12 education

Course Description

Research-based strategies to improve class climate that integrate Mindful practices and improve students’ social-emotional learning, self-regulation, motivation and academic performance while reducing test anxiety and bullying. Mindful approaches applied to student-teacher interpersonal communication and to the organization of space, routines, and procedures at all grade levels.
You may enroll in this course to meet your goals for professional development, license renewal, or to complete graduate credits and transfer to another university.


E-textbooks will be provided when you login to the course.
Jennings, P. (2015). Mindfulness for Teachers: Simple Skills for Peace and Productivity in the Classroom. W. W. Norton & Company. ISBN: 978-0-393-70807
Goleman, D. (2011). The Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights. More than Sound: Florence, MA.  ISBN: 978-1-934-441152
You may open the e-book to read online from your laptop or desktop. The e-textbook software is compatible with an iPad, Kindle Fire or using Chrome as the browser on a fully internet-capable device. It is not compatible with a Kindle Reader.
Additional recommended web-based articles will be available via the course modules.
If you need a copy of the syllabus for your district to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development
Phone: 715-232-2693
No travel to campus is required.
Participate during hours that are flexible and convenient for your work and family schedule and responsibilities.
The class is highly interactive with a significant discussion component. This is not a self-paced class.
All discussion postings, projects and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and dropbox.
Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific due dates each week; there are no required "live" chat sessions.

For More Information

Request Information Online
Contact Us: School of Education
Online Professional Development
University of Wisconsin - Stout
Menomonie, WI 54751
Phone: 715-232-2693
Browse Courses