Thursday, September 7, 2017

Strategies for Dealing with Disruptive Behavior

Strategies for Dealing with Disruptive Behavior

EDUC 655 Strategies for Dealing with Disruptive Behavior

Online Course 3 semester hours graduate credit
Instructor: Faith Huitt
Not offered Summer 2017
Fall: October 2 - November 28, 2017


Evidence-based preventive strategies, positive behavioral supports, effective interventions, and classroom management strategies for addressing problem behaviors, chronic noncompliance, ADHD-related issues, and disruptive conduct.
This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program. NOTE: You may enroll in this course to meet your goals for professional development, license renewal, or to complete graduate credits and transfer the credit to another university or reading certification program.

Who Should Enroll

  • PK-12 teachers
  • Special education teachers
  • Guidance counselors
  • Speech language pathologists
  • School psychologists
  • Principals
  • Leadership teams


An e-textbook in in included with the tuition and provided provided after you login to the course. You may open the e-book to read online from your laptop or desktop. The e-textbook software is compatible with an iPad, Kindle Fire or fully internet-capable device. It is not compatible with a Kindle Reader.
Colvin, Geoffrey T. (2009). Managing noncompliance and defiance in the classroom: A road map for teachers, specialists, and behavior support teams. Corwin Press. ISBN: 9781412960892
If you prefer to read a hard copy of the textbook, instead of reading via your computer or tablet, you may purchase the book from as a new or used paperback.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to:
  1. Apply key concepts and research regarding the characteristics of noncompliant behavior when planning classroom instruction.
  3. Summarize the historical context of discipline and classroom management and interpret major theories of human behavior as applied to classroom management.
  5. Research and analyze the pros and cons of school-wide discipline surveys and screeners when assessing safe school environments to identify the existence of chronic noncompliance, intermittent misconduct, or the potential social-emotional needs of students.
  7. Self-assess the organization of space, materials, equipment, procedures, and routines for early prevention of possible disruptions.
  9. Analyze research-based instructional strategies compatible with the developmental characteristics, learning styles and cultural backgrounds of the non-compliant student.
  11. Demonstrate strategies for developing student-teacher rapport to prevent the escalation of problematic behavior and classroom power struggles.
  13. Articulate an understanding of student learning styles and academic needs and ways to significantly increase self-discipline and motivation.
  15. Analyze internal and external factors that affect student safety in a school or district.
  17. Match specific behaviors with proven interventions and design individual intervention plans to encourage positive social interaction, active engagement, and self-regulation for the non-compliant student.
  19. Apply single case design strategies that target and assess the impact of specific interventions on behaviors, including off-task behavior, rule violations, disrespect, agitation, noncompliance, and threats and intimidation.
  21. Demonstrate strategies for collaborating with special education staff to assist the disruptive students.
  23. Evaluate community services and integrate programs that promote school-family-community partnerships to assist the disruptive student. 

Alignment with State and National Standards

Course objectives are aligned with the following:
Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure (WI DPI): 4, 5, 7, 10.
Wisconsin Standards for Administrator Development and Licensure - (WI DPI) 3
No travel to campus is required. Because this class is asynchronous and open to you 24/7, you may participate from your home or work computer during hours that are best for your work and family schedule. Advanced computer or programming skills are not required. Learners need a basic understanding of Internet browsing, email, and word processing. Instruction will be differentiated to accommodate learners with varying levels of technical knowledge.
No travel to campus is required.
Participate from your home or work computer during hours that are best for your work and family schedule.
The class is highly interactive with a significant discussion component.
All discussion postings, projects, and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and Dropbox.
Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific due dates each week; there are no required "live" chat sessions.

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The School of Education reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet minimum enrollment requirements.

For More Information

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Contact Us: School of Education
Online Professional Development
University of Wisconsin - Stout
Menomonie, WI 54751
Phone: 715-232-2693
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You may enroll to meet your goals for
  • advanced certificate
  • professional development
  • continuing education refresher course
  • license renewal
  • graduate credits
  • transfer credits to another university.
If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development
Phone: 715-232-2693

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Our Master of Science in Education is a 30-credit master’s degree that features all online courses and offers a flexible curriculum to meet your professional development goals.
Select courses (11 credits) within an interest area, earn a certificate, or mix and match courses from several topics.
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School of Education
Online Professional Development
University of Wisconsin - Stout
Phone: (715) 232-2693 
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